Skin Conditions
Acne Vulgaris, also known as Acne, is a common condition that can manifest as inflammatory lesions, painful cysts, and/or blackheads. Acne may also leave scars in the affected areas. Acne can occur at any age. There are many treatments for acne including but not limited to exfoliating creams, antibacterial creams, photodynamic therapy, and laser treatments. Several treatments are usually required to completely eliminate acne.
Acne Scarring
Chronic acne can leave permanent scars on ones face. A scar is formed as the natural part of the healing process. These scars vary from deep pit scars to angular and wavelike scars. Fortunately, laser treatments are available at our office to reduce the appearance of acne scarring. Lasers from Lumenis are highly effective in removing these scars.
Aging or Sun Damaged Skin
Over time as our skin ages, it shows signs of aging, including dark spots or age spots, wrinkles, and fine lines. While the sun can feel good and produce a tan, over time sun exposure products cellular damage and increases the risk of skin cancer. Smoking also rapidly increases the aging process of the skin. Widely available are state-of-the-art anti-aging laser skin treatment procedures that reduce wrinkles and help resurface the skin. In addition, plastic surgery options are available which can help reduce the appearance of the effects of aging.
Alopecia Areata
Alopecia areata is a type of hair loss. It occurs when your body attacks your hair follicles by mistake. The cause of the immune system's attack on the hair follicles is largely unknown. The condition usually begins with loss of hair in clumps, revealing smooth hairless patches on the scalp. Sometimes the hair thins instead of falling out in clumps. There is a chance the condition will result in full body and scalp hair loss, though this result is rare. The hair usually regrows in 6 to 12 months. 1 in 10 people with this condition do not regrow their hair. The condition can also cause rough looking nails. Since for most people, the hair regrows normally, many people do not treat Alopecia Areata. For the best solution that works for you it is best to consult with your dermatologist.
Contact Dermatitis
Contact Dermatitis is a bodily reaction to contact with allergens or irritants. Within minutes of exposure to the foreign substance, the skin develops an itchy burning rash. Contact dermatitis will persist until the allergen or irritant is removed. Full healing of the rash can take days. If a rash from contact dermatitis is not healing, seek out a dermatologist for help.
Eczema is a skin condition that can appear in many different forms. These include changes in your skin pigmentation, redness, crusty and scaling skin, or dry and itchy skin. In its early forms, it manifests and red and dry skin, but as the condition worsens it involves scaly, crusted, and thick skin. There is not one primary cause of eczema, but there are a collection of commonly known contributing factors. Some factors include stress, diet, chemicals in soaps oronditioners, or allergies. Eczema is actually a broad term that describes many different skin conditions, so the term itself is often a source of confusion. It is generally advisable to consult your dermatologist if you believe that you might have eczema. Treatment depends on the type of eczema that you have. Eczema can be hereditary in the case of "atopic eczema," commonly found in families which also have issues with asthma. The itchy rashes that appear with this type of eczema can sometimes be difficult to distinguish from another form called "contact dermatitis." This type of skin reaction can occur from either an allergen or irritating material which has come in contact with the skin. Eczema can actually arise from very dry skin and cause itchy, red, or tender skin. In addition to "atopic" and "contact dermatitis" conditions, there are many other forms of eczema, each with different causes and treatments. Because of these variations, eczema may be temporary, seasonal, or chronic for different individuals. If you have itchy skin or areas that are raised, red or crusty, scratching these areas may make the condition worse. It is best to consult your dermatologist for proper diagnosis and treatment.
Fine lines and wrinkles
As the body ages, collagen in the skin loosens. Wrinkles and fine lines appear n areas of high activity such as forehead, cheeks, eyes, and mouth.
Hemangiomas are a clump of improperly grown large blood vessels that typically show shortly after birth. They grow quickly during the first months after birth, and commonly disappear or lighten with age.
Hives are raised red patches of the skin that can appear in varying sizes and shapes. Hives can be itchy and can occur anywhere on the body. Hives can appear and disappear quickly. A bad outbreak of hives in the morning can vanish by mid afternoon. Hives are fairly common and aren't usually medically serious. Most cases of hives clear up on their own. Hives can be triggered by allergic reaction, though often times no cause is found for the hives.
Hyperhidrosis is a condition where the human body sweats more than is needed to regulate its temperature. Hyperhidrosis can be localized anywhere on the body, but is most common in the hands, feet, armpits, and groin due to the concentration of sweat glands in the area. Treatment can take the form of injections, medications, and surgery.
Nail Fungus
Nail fungus is a fungal infection in one or more nails. A fungal infection usually begins at the tip of the nail and spreads deeper. Nail fungus can discolor the nail, thicken the nail, and create rough edges to the nail. Nail fungus develops more rapidly in warm, moist environments, it is important to keep the affected area clean and dry. Nail fungus can be treated by a variety of medications.
Psoriasis is a chronic disease of the immune system that has symptoms ranging from scaly red patches appearing on this skin, to pitting and deformation of nails, to inflammation of joints. Any part of the body can be affected by psoriasis. As many as 7.5 million Americans have psoriasis, according to the National Institutes of Health. There are five types of psoriasis: plaque, guttate, inverse, pustular, and erythrodermic. Currently there is no cure for psoriasis, but there are treatment options.
A rash is a skin condition that can be caused by skin irritation, an infection, or a chronic condition. A rash usually consists of redness, itching of the affected area, and dry crusted skin. Rashes are usually a symptom of another condition such as contact dermatitis, eczema, rosacea, or an allergic reaction. Treatments for rashes vary based on the cause.
Razor Bumps
Razor bumps, Pseudo Folliculitis Barbae (PFB), is a common condition in which regrowing hair curves back towards and pierces recently shaved skin, causing a pustule or papule. PFB is very prevalent for people with curly or thick hair.
Rosacea is a skin condition that leads to blotchy red skin, and occasional facial pimples. The associated symptoms cause rosacea to sometimes be known as adult acne. Fortunately, many treatments are available for rosacea. Please contact our office for more information.
Sagging Skin
As we age, our skin gradually loses elasticity. Over time, the skin's underlying structure degrades, robbing our faces of their youthful fullness, contour, and resilience. Skin also renews itself more slowly as we age. Other factors include genetics, weight changes, and sun damage. The combination of these factors leads to a sagging appearance of the skin. Fortunately, many treatments are available to improve your appearance and reduce sagging skin.
Skin Cancer
The most frequently occurring types of skin cancer include basal cell, squamous cell carcinoma, and malignant melanoma. Because skin cancer forms on the outer layer of the epidermis, it is detectable in its early stages. The primary cause of skin cancer is too much exposure to the sun. Reducing one's sun exposure by avoiding sun-bathing and tanning salons, wearing sun screen and appropriate protective clothing, and being careful not to get sun-burned will dramatically decrease your risks of getting skin cancer. Basal cell carcinoma is the most common, but least harmful form of skin cancer. This form of cancer will damage the surrounding tissue, but is rarely fatal.
Squamous cell carcinoma cancers are more dangerous than basal cell carcinomas. They have a significant risk of metastasizing to other areas of the body if untreated.
A malignant melanoma is an extremely dangerous form of skin cancer. If untreated in the early stages, a melanoma is often fatal. While genetic factors play a role in one's risk of getting a melanoma, sun exposure plays a huge part. One should regularly inspect their skin for new moles, moles which change in appearance or moles which have any of the ABCD guidelines for identifying a melanoma. These include: Asymmetry, border is irregular, color not uniform, diameter larger than half a centimeter or over a 1/8 of an inch. If a melanoma is discovered in the early stages, it can be surgically excised, removing a section of the surrounding tissue to ensure isolation. In this case of early detection and treatment, your prognosis is very good (over 99%). However, if a melanoma reaches a certain depth, it will metastasize to other areas of the body, and treatment options may include radiation, chemotherapy and other serious treatments. Prognosis for later stages of melanoma past early detected may range from a 9% to 40% chance of survival.
Varicose and Spider Veins
Varicose veins are blue bulging veins that typically appear in the thighs and calves, normally developing after childbirth or with age. Common symptoms are aching, pain, burning, itching, and swelling caused by poorly functioning vein valves. The blood leaks back, enlarging the vein. Spider veins are caused by similar conditions, but appear smaller and closer to the skin surface. They are typically red, blue, or purple. There are many non-invasive treatment options.
Warts are small rough tumors caused by the Human Papillomavirus (HPV). Warts are spread through contact with the infected areas and can be passed through towel sharing. Warts can form anywhere on the body. Warts can last anywhere
from a few months to many years. There are many treatment options for warts including over-the-counter solutions, prescriptions, and in-office wart removal procedures.