Welcome to Dr. Stacy Frankel's dermatology practice. At our office, we strive to deliver the best in dermatological care to our patients. We focus on personalized and high quality care for our patients. When you visit our office, you will find that the safety and comfort of our patients is of the utmost importance.
Dr. Frankel specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of many dermatologic conditions like: skin cancer, moles, rashes, acne, cosmetic procedures and more.
You will be pleased by Dr. Frankel's care and compassion. She will ensure that you receive the appropriate treatment with minimal discomfort.
Skin Conditions
Aging or Sun Damaged Skin
Alopecia Areata
Acne & Blemishes
Acne Scarring
Contact Dermatitis
Fine lines and wrinkles
Skin Treatments
Appropriate treatment with minimal discomfort
Dermatology & Cutaneous Surgery
Laser & Cosmetic Procedures